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Black Seed Oil is packed full of antioxidants, vitamins and naturally occurring constituents that make it a unique supplement to support a healthy immune system.
Containing 100% Pure Nigella Sativa Oil, Black Seed Oil is carefully harvested and extracted with a cold-press method in order to ensure our oil is of the highest standards.
Black Seed Oil can be taken orally as well applied topically to the skin and scalp.
Luckily, the world has not lost sight of the benefits of black seed oil, also known as Kalonji Oil and Black Cumin Oil. Researchers around the globe have uncovered black seed-based health benefits and treatments for some of the most serious chronic conditions.
Recent research has shown that black seed oil can help the body fight a number of ailments, and has even identified active ingredients. Thymoquinone has been found to boost memory and other cognitive functions, and some studies have shown that it can protect neurons, which make up the basic building blocks of the nervous system. It may also help to prevent the breakdown of cells. Other active ingredients in Nigella Sativa may work to prevent loss of brain function in those suffering from diabetes while also contributing to blood sugar management.
Other health care benefits include the treatment of respiratory and digestive ailments. Nigella Sativa can also help to alleviate issues relating to skin problems, such as eczema or psoriasis. Many have also found it a great tonic to treat thinning hair. Our black seed oil can be ingested or rubbed on the skin or scalp. Please follow all the instructions.
Scientific Research
Antidiabetic Properties of a Spice Plant Nigella sativa ; Murli L. Mathur, Jyoti Gaur, Ruchika Sharma, Kripa Ram Haldiya
*The information on this website is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. For more information pertaining to your personal needs please see a qualified health practitioner.
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