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Baraka (USA)'s French Atlantic Grey Sea Salt is hand-harvested in the pristine ocean waters off Brittany, France. This salt is certified by ACTOA (L'Association de Controle Tiers Ouest Atlantique), "Selection du Saunier." This organization certifies that the region of Noirmoutier maintains a pure, unpolluted environment suitable for organic agriculture and also respects the Standards of Salt.
- Contains a potent blend of 5 organic essential oils
- Infused in mineral-rich, French Atlantic Sea Salt
- Helps to fight colds, flu and sinus infections
- Breaks down and eliminates excess mucus
Contains French Atlantic Sea Salt, and the organic essential oils of: Virginia cedarwood, Palmarosa, Green myrtle, Fir balsam and Rosemary.
- French Atlantic Sea Salt – Trace minerals help stimulate the mucous membranes
- Green myrtle – An expectorant and clears mucus from the lungs
- Rosemary – Beneficial for upper respiratory infections, clears mucus
- Fir balsam – Alleviates respiratory infections
- Palmarosa – Strong anti-viral properties
- Virginia cedarwood – Anti-viral, decongestant
See this link for directions.
*The information on this website is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. For more information pertaining to your personal needs please see a qualified health practitioner.
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