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Use to perform the nasal wash as directed in your Neti Pot instructions. Using the included neti spoon (holds 1/4 of a teaspoon), place a level scoop of Neti Salt into your Neti Pot and add warm water.
Additive-free; any chumps may be broken apart and used.
Nasal wash benefits:
- Improves nasal and sinus health
- Cleans mucus and congestion
- Helps ease the symptoms of cold, allergies, and post-nasal drip
- Moisturizes dry nasal passages and much more
Water Warning: For your safety, do not use tap water unless it has been previously boiled for at least five minutes. You may also use distilled, micro-filtered (through 0.2 micron) or commercially bottled water for nasal rinsing.
This product is additive-free; any clumps may be broken apart and used. Keep the bag tightly closed to protect contents from moisture.
Do not perform a nasal rinse with plain water, this will result in a severe burning sensation.
*The information on this website is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. For more information pertaining to your personal needs please see a qualified health practitioner.
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