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Punarnava powder | Boerhavia diffusa, root powder | USDA Certified | 227gm
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Punarnava meaning "the one that renews," punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa) is well known in Ayurveda for its health-promoting qualities. It is one of the best herbs for balancing and rejuvenating kapha and is an ingredient in most traditional kapha-reducing formulas. Punarnava is used to support the proper function of the heart, liver, and kidneys and to promote comfortable movement of the joints for those with kapha constitutions and imbalances. It promotes healthy weight management especially when one is prone to easily gaining weight rather than losing it. Punarnava also supports the healthy elimination of urine and comfortable fluid levels in the tissues.*
*The information on this website is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. For more information pertaining to your personal needs please see a qualified health practitioner.
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